This is Spoon

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Salem, MA, United States
Artist and Mother working for the love of the draw.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Complaints and Grievances

Sorry for the short break, things down in Spoonville, the tall and the small, have been moderately chaotic. I might need to use this entry to vent, so just hold your horses, the art will be back shortly.

These pissing contest primary campaigns are starting to set me off. Part of me blames my husband for turning on NPR every time we're in the car, so of course they are the constant topic. Don't get me wrong, I adore NPR on a general basis, I'm just tired of turning on any local media and being swamped with what-Gingrich-said-about-Romney-that-one-time and what-Romney-did-that-time-in-MA-OMG-what-a-flopper.

And "family values"?? Who's values? The Christians? The Mormons? I don't judge people based on religion. To each his own, I say. As someone who has been looked down on by both family and friends for having alternative spiritual ideals, I know better than to judge someone solely based on who/what they worship, but running an entire country, one of the most diverse countries on the planet, based on only ONE faith? Who really thinks that is going to work? Oh, it doesn't? Well let's just keep going with it then. These candidates talk
a big deal about "morality", a "return to family values", and "crushing the gay agenda". Gay marriage hasn't been legalized in Congress because it "violates the sanctity of marriage" and more bluntly, "God hates gays". Well, unlike most people who like to spit out what God likes and dislikes, I have read the Bible cover to cover, and it seems like God hates a lot more about hetero marriage than he does about gays. A woman should be stoned if she commits adultery, and divorce is a sin. Should we put those into law? No? Why not? A whore should be punished right, if she sins against her husband? Oh, you say that's what those
 "godless A-rabs" do? I just want to pick and choose based on what YOU want. So gay marriage isn't against God, it's against John. I've lives in Massachusetts my whole life, and for half of that time gay couples have been happily getting married, and guess what, we haven't been swallowed into the bowels of Hell yet...
Maybe it's because I'm not a republican, but I really just don't care anymore! I know I should care, because one of these men, neither of whom I really have much respect for, is most likely going to be president of my country; it's sad to know Obama won't get another chance, despite the positive changes he has made during his first term, because all people can focus on is that he didn't clean up all the economy problems the his predecessors put in place. Give the guy a break! He tried, but hello Congress, where good ideas and much needed changes are tossed aside because heavens forbid a Rep. votes "yes" for a Dem., and vice versa. Gentlemen and Ladies, please put your overpaid balls back in your pants, no one needs to see them, and let's try to focus on what's good for the COUNTRY, not your pockets.

Fucking politics...

Here's some art:

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